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Beta Cygni, the head of the swan, is made of a red giant and two blue stars. Whereas it still isn't sure if the second blue star (B) really belongs to the system.

Constellation: Cygnus
Distance: 386 light-years
Radial velocity: -24 km/sec
Space between Albireo A1 and A2: 26.7 AU
Space between Albireo A1/A2 and B: 4107 AU

Albireo A1

Spectral class: K3
Visual magnitude: 3.16
Luminosity: 664 * Sun
Mass: 10.9 * Sun
Diameter: 109 * Sun

Albireo A2

Spectral class: B9.5
Visual magnitude: 6.0
Luminosity: 50 * Sun

Albireo B

Spectral class: B8
Visual magnitude: 5.12
Luminosity: 104 * Sun
Mass: 5.7 * Sun
Diameter: 3.06 * Sun

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Albireo A and B.
Photo: Berkeley University of California

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