
Zoom Gallery: Technology

High zoom factor technology image gallery. Here, photos of technical objects are shown that cannot be approached because they are high up or otherwise inaccessible.

Radio systems Blender
Radio systems at the telecommunications tower Blender, March 31. 2021, distance 3 kilometers, focal length 2400 mm

Antenna of the telecommunications tower Blender
Antenna of the telecommunications tower Blender, April 1. 2021, distance 3 kilometers, focal length 3000 mm
more about the Blender (German page)

TV antenna
TV antenna with collared dove on a house roof, March 31. 2021, distance 40 meters, focal length 600 mm

Overhead telephone line on a house roof
Overhead telephone line on a house roof, May 3. 2021, distance 55 meters, focal length 1500 mm

Joint on a lattice boom crane
Joint on a lattice boom crane, March 30. 2021, distance 150 meters, focal length 860 mm

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