
Zoom Gallery: Animals

High zoom factor animals image gallery. Here are photos of wild and shy animals, that aren't birds. These animals are difficult to photograph, because they stay away from people.

Eurasian red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris), brown variant
Eurasian red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris), brown variant. The red squirrel is the only natural occuring squrrel species in central europe.
May 1. 2021, distance 10 meters, focal length 567 mm

Eurasian red squirrel, black variant
Eurasian red squirrel, black variant, shortly before jumping. This belongs to the same species as the brown variant.
April 30. 2021, distance 15 meters, focal length 1200 mm

Edible frog (common water frog, green frog, Pelophylax esculentus)
Edible frog (common water frog, green frog, Pelophylax esculentus), June 2. 2021, distance 3 meters, focal length 860 mm

River trout (Salmo trutta fario)
River trout (Salmo trutta fario), June 26. 2021, distance 10 meters, focal length 1400 mm

Butterfly small tortoiseshell (Aglais urticae)
Butterfly small tortoiseshell (Aglais urticae), August 6. 2021, distance 3 meters, focal length 1300 mm

Hornets (Vespa crabro)
Hornets (Vespa crabro) at their nest in a dead tree, August 15. 2022, distance 15 meters, focal length 2800 mm

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