
Zoom Photo Gallery

Image gallery of photos made with a very high zoom factor, which show otherwise unseen sights and perspectives. At every image, the distance of the object and the focal length of the camera in standard format is written underneath. As a camera, a Nikon Coolpix P1000 is used, which has a maximum focal length of 3000 millimeters in standard format. A tripod is rarely used. If not stated otherwise, the photos are taken in or near Kempten, in south western Bavaria, Germany. The number of photos per gallery is in brackets.

Large Birds (21) Large Birds
Small Birds (38) Small Birds
Animals (6) Animals
Buildings (7) Buildings
Technology (5) Technology
Sun (2) Sun
Moon (3) Moon
Sky (4) Sky
Action (5) Action
Distance (4) Distance

All photos were taken either from public roads or out of a window.

The images are licensed under a Creative Commons Lizenz by, attribution by linking.

Zoom-Gallery © Webprojects | Imprint & Privacy | German: Zoom-Galerie

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