Tiefe BilderImpressum & Datenschutz

World Series 1905 3D

Copyright 1905 Kawin and Co.

For red/cyan 3D glasses • Für rot/cyan 3D-Brille

More than 100 years have left their marks on these pictures as dirt & damages. Just imagine looking into the past through a scratched & filthy window.


World Series. Reproduced from original stereoscopic photograph.

An Approaching Storm on Lake Erie. New York. Loading an Ocean Freighter. New York. Castle Garden. Boston. Lake in Public Garden. Atlantic City, New Jersey. On the Beach. Niagara. Horse Shoe Falls from Goat Island. Chicago. Auditorium Hotel and Michigan Ave. Moki Indian at Home. Moki Indian House. Sioux Indian Chief, He-No-Fraid. The Sentinels (3,043 ft. high), Yosemite, Cal. Mother of the Forest, 63 feet in circumference. Yosemite Valley, Cal. Magdalen College, Oxford, England. Ireland. Killarney, Ross Castle. Interior of Muckross Abbey, Ireland. North Town, Gibraltar. Berlin. Boulder Basin and Cathedral. Germany, Ruins of Feudal Castle. Germany. Steamer leaving Koblenz. Sweden. Waterfront Stockholm. Sweden. Oh the Road to Odde. Sweden. Lejon Castle, Goteborg. Switzerland. Mount Blanc from Chamonix. Thun, Switzerland. Court of the Fishes, Alhambra, Granada, Spain. Palaces of the Nations on the Seine, Paris Exposition 1900. des Champs Elysees, Paris, France. Fort of St. Jean and Cathedral, Marseilles, France. The Barracks and Inner Harbor, Villefranche, France. Carniche Road and Bay of Villefranche, France. Vatican Garden and St. Peter's, Rome, Italy Rome from the Dome of St. Peter's. Grand Gallery in Colona Palace, Rome, Italy. Arch of Settimo Severo, Rome, Italy. The Colosseum, Rome, Italy. Recently Excavated Palace, Pompeji, Italy. Via Senato and Canal, Milan, Italy. Rio San Josephie, Venice, Italy. Feeding the Pigeons, Plaza San Marco, Venice. Rio di St. Andrea. Venice, Italy. The Mosque of Omar. Drinking Fountain and Street in Old Cairo, Egypt.

World Series. Copyright 1905 Kawin and Co.

Photos: Lake Erie, New York, Boston, Atlantic City, Niagara, Chicago, Moki Indian, Sioux Indian, Yosemite, Oxford, Killarney, Ireland, Gibraltar, Berlin, Germany, Koblenz, Stockholm, Sweden, Gøteborg, Mont Blanc Chamonix, Thun, Alhambra, Paris, Marseille, Villefranche, Vatican, Rome, Pompeji, Milan, Venice, Omar, Cairo.
