

Calculation of Percentage

a of b equals c%.

a = (b * c) / 100
b = (100 * a) / c
c = (100 * a) / b

Calculation of Interest

a with an interest rate of b% is c after 1 year

a = c / (b / 100 + 1)
b = 100 * (c - a) / a
c = a * b / 100 + a

Compound Computation of Interest

a with an interest rate of b% is after c years d.

a = d / (1 + (b / 100))c
b = 100 * (c(d / a) - 1)
c = (ln(d / a)) / (ln(1 + (b / 100)))
d = a * (1 + (b / 100))c

Percentaged Plus Minus

plus = ( value 2 - value 1 ) / value 1 * 100%

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Prozent-Rechner © Webprojekte | Rechneronline | Impressum & Datenschutz || English: Calculation of Percentage and Interests
