
Golden Ratio | Silver Ratio | Plastic Number | Square Root of Two | Square Root of Three | Doubling the Cube | Pi | e

Calculate the Ratio of the Plastic Number

The plastic number is the only real solution for the equation

x³ = x + 1

it can be calculated as

ρ = ( ³√ 108 + 12*√69 + ³√ 108 - 12*√69 ) / 6

with the value

ρ ≈ 1,324717957244746

Lengths a and b

Enter one value for the lengths a or b or for the total a+b. The other two values will be calculated.

a+b: (total length)

Calculate special ratios - Tool for design and architecture

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German: Goldener Schnitt, Silberner Schnitt, Plastische Zahl, Wurzel aus Zwei, Wurzel aus Drei, Würfelverdoppelung , Pi, e
