
BMIABSIBMI for ChildrenDesired BMIIdeal weightCalorie consumptionLiquid consumptionWalking IndexNutrition valuesVitamin tableInternational UnitsIron DeficiencyCaffeine amountBasic conversionBody fat (adipose) rate LBMOptimal training pulse and heart rateCalculate the pulseProtein requirementFat requirementNutrition value needSleep DurationWHR - Waist to hip ratioSun protectionThreshold of HearingDrink reminderBMI for Amputees

Sleep Duration Calculator

People have different sleep durations, simplified the older the shorter, whereas between 20 and 65 years of age there is not much change. The sleep can be split into several parts a day. For adults, 7 to 9 hours on average are normal, 6 or 10 hours can also be ok. Here, everybody has to find the individual value for the sleep requirement. Not enough sleep is rather harmful than too much.

First sleep:: to :
Second sleep:: to :
Third sleep:: to :
Fourth sleep:: to :

Total sleep time: hours minutes.

Here you can enter the times of up to four sleep sections of a day and calculate the total sleep time. This doesn't mean that it is advisable to split the daily sleep into four parts. Please enter the time in the 24-h-format, e.g. 22:15 to 6:15.

There are several phases of sleep. These sleep phases can be roughly measured with a smart watch, for example, which can also tell you roughly how good the sleep and the individual phases were. A meaningful analysis can be carried out by sleep experts.
Deep sleep is the phase with the least brain activity, but the other cells in the body continue to work more intensively. During this time the body regenerates, cells are renewed, wounds and damage healed. This phase of sleep is therefore immensely important. The light sleep phase, which makes up the largest part of sleep, serves to recover and prepare for deep sleep. Cell repairs also take place here, although to a lesser extent than during deep sleep. Finally, there is the REM phase (rapid eye movement), during which we dream. Dreams serve to mentally process events, often the events of the previous day, but sometimes also those from further back.

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Deutsch: Gesundheits- und Fitnessrechner

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