CXO J164710.2-455216The neutron star and magentar lies within the open super star cluster Westerlund 1. This cluster contains stars with up to 40 solar masses, which were all born nearly at the same time. Therefore the progenitor star must have had a mass of more than 40 times the Sun.One would have expected that such a star, when exploding, leaves behind a Black Hole. Why 'only' a neutron star evolved no one knows yet. In September 2005 the magnetar suffered a seismic quake and, following that, an X-ray burst. Constellation: Ara Age of Westerlund 1: 3.5 - 5 million years Distance: 17 000 light-years Mass: 2 * Sun Diameter: 19 km Back: List of Special Stars part 2 |
Westerlund 1 in X-rays. In visible light CXO J164710.2-455216 can't be seen. Photo: Chandra |
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