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Castor or Alpha Geminorum, with Pollux one of the two twin stars, is a sextuple system of three quite self-similar pairs. A1/2 and B1/2 are white stars, C1/2 or YY Geminorum in contrast are red dwarfs and flare stars which are a strong X-ray source.

Constellation: Gemini
Distance: 51.6 light-years
Radial velocity: 6 km/sec
Orbit period of Castor A1 and A2: 9.2127 days
Orbit period of Castor B1 and B2: 2.92828 days
Orbit period of Castor C1 and C2: 19.539414 hours
Orbit period of Castor A and B: 467 years
Orbit period of Castor A/B and C: 10 000 years

Castor A1/A2

Spectral class: A1
Visual magnitude: 2.69
Luminosity: 18.3 * Sun
Mass: 2 * Sun
Diameter: 2.28 * Sun

Castor B1/B2

Spectral class: A5
Visual magnitude: 3.60
Luminosity: 7.90 * Sun
Mass: 1.7 * Sun
Diameter: 1.61 * Sun

Castor C1

Spectral class: M0.5
Visual magnitude: 9.82
Luminosity: 0.026 * Sun
Mass: 0.63 * Sun
Diameter: 0.76 * Sun

Castor C2

Spectral class: M0.5
Visual magnitude: 9.82
Luminosity: 0.026 * Sun
Mass: 0.57 * Sun
Diameter: 0.68 * Sun

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Castor in X-ray.
Photo: ESA/XMM-Newton/EPIC

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