HD 113766This is a young double system of two yellow stars, both a bit brighter and bigger as the Sun. Encircling the first F-star is a dust disk, which contains little gas and which probably is forming a terrestrial planet in the size of Earth or Mars. This disk has a distance from the star of 1.6 - 2.0 AU, which means that the planet is evolving in the star's terrestrial habitability zone, where the temperatures allow water to be liquid. Much of the dust has already comfortable temperatures of about 25°C (80 F).Further outside is an icy belt similar to our asteroid belt, which could help bring water to the forming planet. Star B however doesn't seem to have a dust disk. To form complex life, the evolution should hurry a bit more on this planet than she did on Earth, because HD 113766 A has a significant lower life expectancy than our Sun, about three billion years, before the star becomes a red giant. Life on Earth at three billion years after formation was mainly in the form of blue-green algae and bacteria. Constellation: Centaurus Age: 10 million years Distance: 424 light-years Visual magnitude: 7.91 Space between HD 113766 A and B: 170 AU
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